A trip to the hardware store for some copper wire was all it took. The copper wire - and it had to be copper - lends itself to a span of three sea shells across the perimeter of the Caribbean-themed scrapboard.
Buying each shell at a local art fair on the Caribbean isle of Bonaire was one of my greatest pleasures. Each came in a tiny brown bag with a cute sticker. I'm glad these shells have come out of their bags to display their beautiful selves - er shells.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Bonaire shell art
Carol Labashosky's Barking Dog Enterprises is an art idea company featuring Scrapboarding, a unique form of fine art collage where themes materialize in 3-D. Scrapboarding combines paint, photos and memorabilia affixed to boards in dramatic vibrant compositions. Visit my studio and gallery at Mellwood Arts Center, 1860 Mellwood
Ave., #136, Louisville, Ky.