Thursday, July 2, 2015

Colorful Outdoor Art UV Protected - " Flowertime"


You may have done your summer plantings already, like I have. Here in Louisville, we've had a lot of rain, so my flowers have had to rally to produce some buds. The day lily plants and echinacea that come up every year are looking great. Bumble bees like them, too.

Lately, I have brought my palette out onto the screened-in porch to paint some outdoor art canvas pieces. The birds chirping and wind whistling through the trees -- being in the outdoors -- yet protected from the elements is the right atmosphere to create outdoor art.

My outdoor art is designed to be hung on a deck, brick wall or siding or anywhere you like. I hang mine on a fence. It is protected with a special artist quality sealant which holds up under rain and humidity.

Here is this year's quality pieces, each handmade and available for order. Or, if you have an idea, send me a note, and we can collaborate.